McLeod Cancer Center Completes Novalis Certification

The McLeod Center for Cancer Treatment and Research is the first in the state of South Carolina to be named a Novalis Certified Center following a rigorous and voluntary review conducted by an independent, panel of experts in radiation oncology, patient safety and treatment quality. 

On McLeod’s pursuit of this international certification, Tobin Hyman, MS, DABR, chief medical physicist for the McLeod Cancer Center, added, “We believe that we have a great responsibility to patients and their families to commit our staff and equipment to a 360-degree review of our radiosurgery program. In today’s health care environment, specialized treatment techniques such as SRS and SABR should undergo a comprehensive external review at regular intervals to ensure the safest care possible is being delivered when you are treating patients with brain, spine or lung cancer.” Read more about McLeod Cancer Center's achievement here.


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