
Auckland Radiation Oncology in New Zealand has successfully utilized ExacTrac Dynamic (ETD) to treat a patient who otherwise would not have been eligible for radiation therapy. Due to breathing difficulties, the patient was unable to lie flat, making CBCT and other imaging techniques unfeasible.

Thanks to the advanced surface and X-ray positioning and monitoring capabilities of ETD, the patient was treated with precision and ease, showcasing the technology's ability to overcome complex clinical challenges!

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A big congratulations to the entire team @GenesisCare Noosa for going live with their first patients utilising their brand new ExacTrac Dynamic 2.0 system. 

This cutting-edge technology enables seamless patient positioning and monitoring for a wide range of radiation therapy workflows including breast and prostate. 

You can find out more about how ExacTrac Dynamic can streamline your treatment workflows via the following link:

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Brainlab Novalis Circle will host a webinar, "Commissioning and clinical Implementation – From distortion correction and small field dosimetry to breath-hold treatments" on December 17th at 8:00 AM Pacific Time (5:00 PM Central European Time).

We are honored to welcome the following speakers as they present their latest insights and experiences:

🎙️ Thierry Gevaert, PhD, UZ Brussel, Belgium: Distortion correction commissioning

🎙️ Lauren X. Weinstein, MSc, Kaiser Permanente Cancer Treatment Center, South San Francisco, CA, United States: How small is too small?

🎙️ Garrett C. Baltz, MS, Scripps Cancer Center, San Diego, CA, United States: Commissioning ExacTrac Dynamic for breath-hold treatments

Participation is only possible for Novalis Circle Members. If you are not yet a member, please click here.

We’re pleased to host the Advanced Clinical Course “ExacTrac Dynamic for Breast Cancer” in cooperation with the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel and the clinical team of Prof. Mark De Ridder and Thierry Gevaert, PhD.

This course is a comprehensive training program aimed at supporting the use of ExacTrac Dynamic for breast cancer treatments. Attendees will learn about specific imaging, CT simulation, breath-hold techniques, and general strategies for treating breast cancer and will familiarize themselves with using the ExacTrac Dynamic Breath-Hold modules.

More information here.

Interested? Contact your local Brainlab Sales representative.

*Please note: A Brainlab Academy ticket is needed to be able to attend this course.

We’re pleased to host the Advanced Clinical Course “ExacTrac Dynamic for Breast Cancer” in cooperation with the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel and the clinical team of Prof. Mark De Ridder and Thierry Gevaert, PhD.

This course is a comprehensive training program aimed at supporting the use of ExacTrac Dynamic for breast cancer treatments. Attendees will learn about specific imaging, CT simulation, breath-hold techniques, and general strategies for treating breast cancer and will familiarize themselves with using the ExacTrac Dynamic Breath-Hold modules.

More information here.

Interested? Contact your local Brainlab Sales representative.

*Please note: A Brainlab Academy ticket is needed to be able to attend this course and this course will be only in French.

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We’re pleased to host the Advanced Clinical Course "Brain Metastases and Skull-base Tumors" in cooperation with Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf and the clinical team of Prof. Dr. med. Cordula Petersen and Dipl.-Phys. Manuel Todorovic.

This course will provide participants with the opportunity to learn from clinical experts about the clinical implementation and requirements for a successful radiosurgery program for brain metastases and skull-base tumors. During the course, medical physicists will learn about specific quality assurance techniques as well as expert tricks for treatment planning with Brainlab radiosurgery software. Radiation oncologists and neurosurgeons will learn about contouring, clinical prescriptions and planning approaches.

More information here.

Interested? Contact your local Brainlab Sales representative.

*Please note: A Brainlab Academy ticket is needed to be able to attend this course.

Added a Expert Question to , Image-Guidance

Attendee Question from 9th International Novalis Circle Congress.

Section: SBRT - Lung SBRT Practice Update

Speaker: Carmen Rubio Rodriguez

When treating lung tumors with SBRT in DIBH, how often do you see inter-breathhold tumor shift?

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Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu unserem DACH Radiotherapie Symposium zum Thema Präzision, Personalisierung und Standardisierung in der stereotaktischen Radiochirurgie und Radiotherapie am 24. Januar 2025 im Brainlab Headquarter in München.

Klinische Anwender:innen und Fachkolleg:innen werden Erfahrungen und Fallstudien aus dem klinischen Alltag präsentieren und freuen sich auf spannende Diskussionen sowie den Austausch mit Ihnen.

Mehr information hier

Wir laden Sie herzlich zum vierten deutschsprachigen Webinar zum Thema Radiochirurgie & Strahlentherapie ein!

Das Webinar findet am 7. November 2024 um 15:30 Uhr statt. Expert:innen aus Deutschland geben spannende Einblicke in den klinischen Einsatz der Stereotaxie-Masken von Brainlab sowie in die markerlose Vorpositionierung. Erfahren Sie wie ExacTrac Dynamic damit zu mehr Effizienz und Sicherheit in der täglichen Behandlungsroutine beiträgt.

Dieses Webinar richtet sich speziell an medizinische Technolog:innen für Radiologie (MTR/ MTRA/ RTT).

Unsere Sprecher:innen:

🎙️ Carina Dietrich, stellvertretende leitende MTR an der Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie, Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes, Homburg über den klinischen Einsatz der Brainlab Stereotaxie-Masken.

🎙️ Nora Schöpke und Christian Grömke, stellvertretende leitende MPE und leitender MTR an der Klinik für Strahlentherapie und Radio-Onkologie, Helios Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal zu dem Übergang zur markerlosen Vorpositionierung und die klinischen Vorteile für die tägliche Behandlungsroutine.

Im Anschluss an die Vorträge haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich in einer Q&A-Session mit den Expert:innen auszutauschen.

Die Teilnahme ist nur für Novalis Circle Mitglieder möglich. Noch kein Novalis Circle Mitglied? Dann klicken Sie bitte hier.

Join the Symposium!

The Brainlab UK & Ireland Radiotherapy Symposium 2024 will focus on precision, personalization and evolution in radiotherapy and radiosurgery.

Led by the Charing Cross Hospital team, this meeting is an opportunity for clinicians, medical physicists and radiation oncologists to share insights on clinical techniques, exchange management approaches, tools and the use of big data in radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments.

Attendees have the opportunity to take part in scientific talks, live demonstrations and informative discussions.

We look forward to seeing you all in London!

To register click here