
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu unserem DACH Radiotherapie Symposium zum Thema Präzision, Personalisierung und Standardisierung in der stereotaktischen Radiochirurgie und Radiotherapie am 24. Januar 2025 im Brainlab Headquarter in München.

Klinische Anwender:innen und Fachkolleg:innen werden Erfahrungen und Fallstudien aus dem klinischen Alltag präsentieren und freuen sich auf spannende Diskussionen sowie den Austausch mit Ihnen.

Mehr information hier

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Join the Symposium!

The Brainlab UK & Ireland Radiotherapy Symposium 2024 will focus on precision, personalization and evolution in radiotherapy and radiosurgery.

Led by the Charing Cross Hospital team, this meeting is an opportunity for clinicians, medical physicists and radiation oncologists to share insights on clinical techniques, exchange management approaches, tools and the use of big data in radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments.

Attendees have the opportunity to take part in scientific talks, live demonstrations and informative discussions.

We look forward to seeing you all in London!

To register click here

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We’re pleased to host the Advanced Clinical Course “Brain Metastases and Skull-base Tumors” in cooperation with Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace and the team of Dr. Cécile Ortholan and Benjamin Serrano, PhD.

This Advanced Clinical Course will provide participants with the opportunity to learn from clinical experts about the clinical implementation and requirements for a successful radiosurgery program for brain metastases and skull-base tumors. During the course, medical physicists will learn about specific quality assurance techniques as well as expert tricks for treatment planning with Brainlab radiosurgery software. Radiation oncologists and neurosurgeons will learn about contouring, clinical prescriptions and planning approaches.

More information here

Interested? Contact your local Brainlab Sales representative.

*Please note: A Brainlab Academy ticket is needed to be able to attend this course.

You are being invited to take part in a 15-minute survey assessing how radiation therapy and radiosurgery departments (including C-arm Linacs, Gammaknife, CyberKinfe, etc) , utilise MRI fibertracking (also known as MRI tractography) in their practice. (Link below)

This study is being run by Physical Sciences Department of Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

Upon request, we will provide you with the full anonymised survey results so that you can compare your practice with other participants.  

This project has been approved by the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Ethics Committee ( 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send an email.

Participation agreement:

By clicking the link below, I agree to participate in this survey.


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Are you attending ESTRO this year? If so, don't miss Manuel Todorovic's stage talk.

🎙️Stage Talk, a pioneering presentation on Model-based VMAT Automation for Elements Multiple Brain Mets SRS by Manuel Todorovic, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany on May 4th from 4:30 - 4:45 PM BST at the ESTRO stage.

Pour plus d'information cliquez-ici

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